German Lesson Inflight

I normally don't take photos of kids on our flight. But this time, I did.

In August 2015, we had a German family on board going back to their country. These girls, Nora and Josie are 6 years old twins.  During the flight, Nora asked me a couple of questions as if she's a journalist. She asked me an interesting question of how many languages do I speak. She taught me some German words, which of course I can't remember. I told her that I only know 2 languages, English and my own language and a very little Spanish.

When we landed, Nora got off her seat right away and held my hand. She was all over me and wanted me to carry her. When I did, the mom took our photo. 

These twins are extraordinary. They are smart, nice and pretty.

I always say that I admire people who speak couple of languages. "Dunke" is the only word I know and learned during my trip to Germany in 2004. 

So, I would like to say "dunke" to these kids who make my job fun and some days, memorable like this one.