Oops! Take a closer look at me. What went wrong? I wished someone had told me that my belt wasn't fully looped. Well, maybe because nobody had noticed it.
Would you prefer someone will get your attention when something isn't right? Let's say a piece of green leaf from the salad you just ate is sticking between your teeth. An unbuttoned dress. A hole on your shirt. Or something like what I have here - an unlooped belt.
Sometimes we just don't want to embarrass a person or just shy to tell someone that something is not correct. I think I would rather know immediately that something needs to be fixed with my dress rather than not knowing it and walking confidently with an unlopped belt.
When we are rushing or don't really pay attention to all the details we wear, then things like this happen. It can be embarrassing, but hey, nobody is perfect.
I remember a young gentleman in first class; I noticed his pants looked ripped in front. Because I wasn't really sure, I discreetly told him to check it. He thanked me even though it felt a little awkward.
Lesson learned: Spend a few minutes looking at a mirror if there's something I need to fix before heading out to the door.