We Love Pink

During the whole month of October, we wear pink in honor of the Breast Cancer Awareness. This is a special month to strengthen our awareness, support the projects and those who have breast cancer, and commemorate those who died from it.

While I was walking at one of the airports, I was approached by a lady who said she likes my scarf and thanked me for wearing it because her mom died of breast cancer.

I have an Aunt who died from breast cancer. I am advocate of the pink month.

My first flight in October was with my adopted son, Ryan.  It was a short 2 day trip, but we had fun.

Later in the month, I had my friend, John who had a joy ride with us to and from Charlotte.  It was a fun trip with him as well.

We are separated with different bases now, but this doesn't stop us from seeing each other. We met in 2014 and became friends since then. We love what we do!