We face various challenges in traveling, and one of them is waiting for our delayed flight. 

Traveling has changed over the years due to technology and security issues.  The advanced technology that runs the aviation industry is one of the great things we experience. Most transactions are done online. I know some people (like myself) don't want to do everything online. I like talking to a real person (not a machine!) Yes, things can be easier and faster doing them on the computer, but glitches and complicated processes for the "old school" people like me are why I don't rely everything on technology.  

The pandemic has dramatically changed the travel industry, and we are coping with those changes.  Now, people are back traveling, and the demand is high. 

Waiting for a delayed flight is a hurdle. Weather, maintenance, and staff issues are the common reasons a flight is delayed. Some things are out of control. 

If you're a frequent traveler, you're used to the challenges of flying. But for those who don't travel often, these challenges can be painful. Parents traveling with their children or infants mostly suffer from flight delays. 

For me, a long-delayed flight means time to do something. Besides eating, I open my laptop to be productive. How about you, what do you do? 

We react to waiting times differently. It's okay to be upset; We are humans. However, sometimes there are good reasons why we wait for our delayed flight or just waiting in general - like waiting for a better opportunity, the right person, or a thing we want.  

Waiting tests our patience. It may be for our advantage or create something good for us.