A Friendship Drink

It is normal for us especially when you are new, to work with someone who will make us feel uncomfortable. 

My 3-day trip started with a feeling of anxiousness.  My partner was though on dealing with people inside and outside the plane.  She's watching me immensely and guarding me for things that I did wrong. 

Sitting on my jumpseat on our first flight, I was deciding if I wanted to continue that trip with her. Honestly, I was thinking of a reason to justify why I couldn't continue with the trip. Would I use a family emergency or fatigue as my alibi?

I told my inner self "No, Lia. Challenge yourself. Don't be intimidated by her and continue with this trip."

It was my last trip that month before I took my birthday trip to Santorini.  I invited her for some cocktails, and I paid for it. We talked and our conversation became more at ease.  Upon learning that she's a former policewoman and a divorced mom, I clearly understood right away why she's acting the way she is. Her personality and demeanor certainly show her background.

We all came from different backgrounds.  We have different cultures, education, and experience.  We don't expect other people to be like us.  

Judging a person by the way he or she acts is not fair.  Knowing the person where she's coming from is a good strategy to possibly change our first impression. 

We became friends after our trip.  I was glad that I challenged myself to continue that trip.  I gave myself a pat on the back for a job well done.