My Journalist Blood

When I was in college, I wanted to take journalism and wanted to be a journalist. That didn't happen obviously because we had no money to go to a different school. My mom used to teach at the university where I graduated and we had free college education in that school. Hence, I finished the Bachelors of Arts major in English.

I finished my course in 3 years instead of 4, because I didn't stop going to school right after graduating high school. Unconsciously, I wanted to finish college and work right away. That wasn't really a bad thing. I benefited from it.

I became a writer at our school paper called "The Advocate."  I became a CNN iReporter for couple of years, having photography as another passion. I've had many photos featured on CNN iReport platform, and have had 2 photos featured on CNN in Asia. Eventually, they gave me the CNN iReporter Spirit Honoree. I also  became a freelance online writer with Allvoices, and earned a good amount of money doing this. Then, I decided to enroll a short course in journalism at The Manila Times.

All of these are part of who I am now. Though I stopped doing those things, I still do write through blogging. It is a great way to express my thoughts and feelings, a way to remember wonderful things, a way to share my photos, and a way not to forget my passion for writing.

I didn't  end up with a great career as a journalist, but I've had a great taste of it.  I've learned from it and it made me part of who I am today.

When I had her on my flight from Baltimore, I didn't hesitate to ask if I could take a photo with her. She's nice and lovely. 

I have many stories as a small time journalist. I've written many good stories as well. I am writing more stories and I am creating more stories to tell. I am the journalist of my own life.