I Got a Seat !

What are the magic words?

We always wait for the magic words "I got a seat." These words are pleasing to our ears, everytime we "non-rev." Weather it is going home or going to places that we've prepared to go.

There are many factors that determine our possibility to get a seat or to not get a seat  - - When it is oversold. The numbers of paying passengers who are hoping to get on that flight or waiting for their seat number.  The number of "non-rev" passengers who are more senior than me.  And the flight being payload optimized.  Payload optmize means that even if there are open seats, they will limit the number of "non-revs" that they will accomodate. So it is likely that I will  not get on that flight.

To have a back up plan is a key. Especially when I am dying to go to the place where I am hoping to go.  Being proactive is necessary.

I always say that miracles happen.  There are couple of times that I thought I would not get on the flight, but the mood changes.  Some paying passengers don't show up, or some listed "non-revs" don't show up as well. One time, I was number 15 on the list and there's only 5 seats available,  but for some miracle reason, they gave me a seat!

There were also some unfortunate times that the gate agent has already given you a seat, but they took it back.  You thought it's your lucky day but until the door is closed, there's a slim chance that they will tell you to get up from your comfortable seat because someone owns that seat.

When the gate agent has started calling the paying passengers, we cross our fingers and hope at the back of our mind that they will not show up.  I know this is wrong, but for our "non-rev" life this is the reality.

Spell the magic words. I - Got - A - Seat!

Thumbs up!  Let's board before those paying passengers rush their way to the gate.

In aviation world, we have non-rev prayers. Just for fun, I would like to share them here.

Here's one version  - -

May the weather be clear
May open seats be available
Lord, give me any seat
between the nose and the tail
Rows 1 or 2 will do,
Row 29 will work too
An isle or a window
Just not the middle seat though
I really need to go
Please let there be no show!

Evening prayer - -

Dear Lord,
Please let someone be too tired, hungover, stuck in traffic, lost their keys, wait too long for coffee, need to use the bathroom, and miss their flight, so that I may sit in their seat tomorrow morning. Amen!

Here's the more formal version  - -